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发布日期:2024-09-21 19:38    点击次数:186

成濑心美快播 白话‖商务会议九个常用白话抒发情境

■There’s no need to rush. If something is meant to be, it will happen成濑心美快播, in the right timeicon, with the right person, for the best reason.





① Welcome, everyone.Let’s begin .


② Thank you all for being here today.


③ l appreciate your attendance.




①Let’s go around the table and introduce ourselves.


②Allow me to introduce myself, I am [Your Name] from [Your Company].


建议议程(Setting the Agenda):

①Let’s move on to the agenda for today’s meeting.


② Firstitem on the agenda, we will discuss...


发表不雅点(Expressing Opinions):

① In my opinion成濑心美快播, we should focus on..


② I strongly believe that...(我校服……)

③ I’d like to share my thoughts on this



建议建议(Making Suggestions):

① I sugggest we consider...


② Why don’t we try...?


③ Perhaps we could explore other options.



征求意见(Seeking Opinions):

① What do you think about this proposal?


② Any comments or suggestions?


③ I’d like to hear everyone’s thoughts on



回来磋商(Summarizing Discussions):

① So, to summarize our discussion...


② In conclusion,we have agreed on...


③ Let’s move forward with the decisions

we’ve made.


建议问题(Raising Questions):

① I have a question regarding...



② Could you clarify this point for me?


③ I’m not quite clear about...


领域会议(Closing the Meeting):

① Thank you all for your contributions.

② The meeting is adjourned.


③Our next meeting will be scheduled for



④ Safe travels, everyone.





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